• 🧑🏻‍💻 可以叫我Martin / Martingale
  • 🌊 专注于底层逻辑思考的学习者
  • 🎓 本科毕业于英国利物浦大学,计算机科学,荣誉一等学位
  • 📚 目前就读于英国爱丁堡大学,人工智能硕士
  • 💭 热爱开源,学习无止境


  • 🪜 现在正在…

    英国N8联盟计算密集型研究中心Bede - 2024暑期实习生
    • 项目主体:量化并微调大模型以适应生物领域文献阅读,评估各类大模型的微调结果
    • 项目时长:2024年6月 - 2024年9月
    • 项目导师:Dr Antony McCabe & Dr Jianping Meng
    • 项目资助方:EPSRC (英国工程和自然科学研究委员会)
    • 开源AI知识库 - Casibase
    • 项目时长:2024年7月 - 2024年10月
    • feat: improve GetNearMessageCount() performance (2024-08-24) #954
    • feat: fix the issue that DALL-E returned image URL is expired (2024-08-17) #946
    • feat: support new model gpt-4o for openai and azure (2024-08-03) #931
    • feat: count the number of generated images (2024-08-01) #930
    • feat: support image output (2024-07-29) #925
    • feat: fix bug that the first AI message cannot be regenerated (2024-07-25) #917
    • feat: fix cursor blink incorrectly (2024-07-23) #913
    • feat: set token count to 0 in usage map (2024-07-19) #904
    • feat: fix ProvidersUsageTable render error when creating a new store (2024-07-18) #903
    • feat: show providers usage in real time (2024-07-13) #898
    • feat: feat: drag the image to the chat box to add attachment (2024-07-11) #895
    • feat: allow deleting welcome message in demo mode (2024-07-06) #885
    • feat: fix bug that sends empty message by mistake in newMessage mode (2024-07-05) #882
    • feat: calculate tokens at last for local model provider (2024-07-01) #878
    • feat: fix no encoding for model custom-model (2024-06-30) #876
    • fix: incorrect message answer when anonymous access (2024-06-24) #871
    • feat: support sending question via URL GET parameter (2024-06-23) #865
    • feat: fix demo site fails bug in guest mode (2024-06-20) #858
    • feat: fix bug that cannot access demo-site in guest mode (2024-06-19) #854
    • feat: support URL link for each chat (2024-06-18) #845
    • fix: the error box does not show at the first time (2024-06-17) #840
    • feat: fix wrong blinking cursor in UI (2024-06-15) #836
    • feat: don’t auto refresh answer for aborted connection error (2024-06-14) #834
    • feat: support model usage map in GetAnswer() API (2024-06-07) #828
    • feat: use model providers with higher token limit (2024-05-29) #818
    • feat: use vision models for question with image (2024-05-16) #811
    • feat: improve refresh bug fix (2024-05-15) #810
    • Bug: fix chat window error when pressing F5 during text output (2024-05-14) #808
    • feat: support dummy model provider and dummy embedding provider (2024-05-01) #798
    • feat: support uploading file (2024-04-27) #795
    • feat: support model provider multiplexing (2024-04-21) #783
    • feat: support claude3 model provider (2024-04-18) #785
    • feat: add swagger docs (2024-04-04) #781
    • feat: add new default split provider (2024-03-22) #778
    • fix: improve messages render performance (2024-03-20) #777
    • feat: support code block highlight (2024-03-19) #776
    • feat: support Latex math formula (2024-03-18) #775
    • feat: format markdown output better (2024-03-17) #770
    • feat: disable New Chat button when there is empty chat (2024-03-16) #773
    • feat: feat: improve upload path format for image storage (2024-03-08) #758
    • feat: improve image display in input box (2024-03-06) #754
    • feat: fix bug for local model provider (2024-03-04) #750
    • feat: add GetPricing and calculatePrice for all embedding providers (2024-03-02) #737
    • feat: add calculating tokens and price for embedding provider (2024-03-01) 735
    • fix: Bug that recognizes an ordinary url as an image (2024-02-29) 730
    • feat: improve azure text output (2024-02-28) #729
    • feat: Support OpenAI embedding v3 as new Casibase embedding providers (2024-02-27) #727
    • feat: support generating images via dalle-3 model (2024-02-20) #717
    • feat: support sending images to gpt4vision model (2024-02-19) #716
    • feat: fix reply display for huggingface (2024-01-28) #705
    • feat: add Cohere Command model provider (2024-01-25) #703
    • feat: Support chat bot widget (推迟…)
    • feat: support texts and images in the response at the same time (推迟…)
  • 🌟 同步正在研究…

    • 高性能计算
    • 大模型应用研究
    • 算法刷题
  • 🤔 不久之后将会

    • 学习成为hacker(附带正义感的
    • 继续贡献开源项目 (坚持做自己喜欢的事情✊)